*If you haven’t seen my post from yesterday, head over to enter to win a pair of New Balance Fresh Foam 980 running shoes! The giveaway runs through Friday*
I don’t know what it is about Mondays. I always seem to behind the 8 ball. Hectic Monday mornings seem to be the norm no matter what. There’s just something about a warm bed on a Monday morning that makes waking up so difficult. Today’s WIAW is from Monday, where I had a hard time motivating myself to get going. If you want to see more What I Ate Wednesday posts, visit Peas and Crayons.

Since I couldn’t get my butt in gear and get up in time to enjoy a breakfast at home, I ate out of tupperware at my desk. So sad. At least it was delicious. My breakfast consisted of plain yogurt, honey, sliced pineapple, granola, ground flax, and toasted chopped walnuts. Paired with some coffee, water, and my daily vitamins (fish oil, multi-vitamin, and calcium/D).
I started to get a little hungry around 11:00 so I had a banana oat energy bar — another recipe from the Runner’s World cookbook. They came out a little bit mushier than I wanted. I might increase the flour amount next time.
After a lunch-time puppy visit, I sat down to more food in tupperware — my lunch. I had another salad: baby greens, roasted sweet potatoes, chick peas, shredded carrots, baby tomatoes, balsamic. Finished it with two shortbread Girl Scout Cookies that were calling my name. I couldn’t resist.
Snack #2
A quick banana before heading to the gym.
But before the gym, I took Koji on a nice long walk. Can we talk about something for a second. I am so, so, so embarrassed that we have become that couple that has a dog that HAS to wear clothing to go outside. All my life, I had such a problem with small dogs and clothing. Something about having a dog that MUST wear clothing screamed Paris Hilton prissy to me. But having a Frenchie has changed my mindset. They have a really hard time regulating their body temperature, so poor little man can’t go for walks in the winter unless the sidewalk is bone dry. Which, in Boston, never happens. His paws freeze and he starts crying to be picked up pretty much immediately. Thankfully, we have a wonderful neighbor who is also a Frenchie mama who let me have her dog’s old rubber booties. She even came over and showed me how to put them on. After a couple funny steps, Koji got used to them pretty quickly and proceeded to take ME on a 45 minute walk IN the snow. Best. Invention. Ever. Plus, they make the funniest little squishy sound when he walks. I can’t handle the cuteness.
After the gym I was STARVING! Dinner couldn’t come fast enough. Another thing about Monday’s being hectic — dinner is almost planned to be super simple. Tonight’s meal was a “Sarah Meal”: grilled protein (usually chicken), roasted broccoli, and rice. Simple and fast. I added half an avocado for some healthy fats. Later in the night I had a pb energy ball as I was folding laundry. Ugh…Mondays.
Readers: Do you struggle on Monday mornings or do you embrace the new week and feel refreshed and ready?
Anyone else practically live out of tupperware?